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COVID-19 Patient Safety Policy

To our beloved patients,


First, we want to say we sincerely hope you, your friends and family are healthy during these potentially stressful times. Our office wants to take a moment to update you regarding the recent Coronavirus (Covid-19) situation that we are all facing.  We are sharing the protocols we are implementing to protect our patients and our staff members. Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. We want to reassure you that we are doing everything we can to reduce the spread of the novel COVID-19 coronavirus as it impacts our community. We will gradually begin to see patients unless otherwise instructed by local public officials.


Please be assured that at ALL times, this office has and will continue to practice the Universal Precaution Guidelines. We are also taking extra precautions based on CDC (Center Disease Control) recommendations to ensure your safety while attending your dental appointment.

We plan to minimize interactions between patients by minimizing the number of persons in the clinic at a given time, no visitors are permitted in the clinic except those accompanying patients who need assistance. No children, other than those who are patients will be permitted in the clinic. Patients are asked to minimize touching non-essential surfaces while in the office and to refrain from using cell phones while in the clinic.  We also ask that all patient please call the office number when you have arrived to your appointment, to make sure the last patient has left the office, before entering the office.

The Extra Steps are, but are NOT Limited to:

  • Our common areas are thoroughly wiped down and disinfected, multiple times a day.

  • All of our common area doors are being left open to minimize the constant touching of handles.

  • We are limiting our direct patient contact by our non-clinical staff

  • Our frequently shared items, such as pens, tissue boxes, business cards, seating are thoroughly wiped
    down and disinfected.

  • We have removed all newspaper and magazines.

  • The office, as always, will be cleaned throughout an ongoing basis.

  • We have placed extra hand sanitizer pumps around the office and encourage all staff and patients to use it often, as well as wash hands thoroughly.


IMPORTANT: If you are infected with COVID-19, think you may have been infected or you are experiencing flu-like symptoms with a fever above 100.4, please contact us in advance before coming in. This way we can instruct you on where to go and how to proceed for the safety of all. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns at (954) 791-3884. We are here for you.




Dr. Jacqueline Nelson-Mangatal & Staff


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